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    Carron Dove 1550 x 950 Carronite LH Offset Corner Bath in White – 23.2381L (Q4-02233)

    Original price was: £1,305.60.Current price is: £757.25.
    The Carron Dove 1550 x 950 Carronite LH Offset Corner Bath in White is small on the outside but surprisingly large on the inside thanks to its unique design. It is an offset corner bath that only occupies a modest space in your bathroom. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1550mm x 950mm x 400mm and has a 190 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Dove comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference. This bath is designed with a smooth curve on the left hand side, so that this side is not set against the wall; a right hand side curve is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither is the suspended front panel but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
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    Carron Dove 1550 x 950 Carronite RH Offset Corner Bath in White – 23.2381R (Q4-02235)

    Original price was: £1,305.60.Current price is: £757.25.
    The Carron Dove 1550 x 950 Carronite RH Offset Corner Bath in White is small on the outside but surprisingly large on the inside thanks to its unique design. It is an offset corner bath that only occupies a modest space in your bathroom. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1550mm x 950mm x 400mm and has a 190 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Dove comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference. This bath is designed with a smooth curve on the right hand side, so that this side is not set against the wall; a left hand side curve is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither is the suspended front panel but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
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    Carron Delta 1600 x 700-800 Carronite LH Shower Bath – 23.2681L (Q4-02072)

    Original price was: £1,322.40.Current price is: £766.99.
    The Carron Delta 1600 x 700-800 Carronite LH Shower Bath offers the opportunity to shower or bathe in comfort and style in an elegant combination which requires little more space that a standard bath, this really is space saving luxury. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1600mm x 700-800mm x 410mm and has a 210 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Delta Shower Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath is designed so it expands out on the left hand side, therefore creating more space to shower in; a right hand side expansion is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Status Shower Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Delta 1600 x 700-800 Carronite RH Shower Bath – 23.2681R (Q4-02074)

    Original price was: £1,322.40.Current price is: £766.99.
    The Carron Delta 1600 x 700-800 Carronite RH Shower Bath offers the opportunity to shower or bathe in comfort and style in an elegant combination which requires little more space that a standard bath, this really is space saving luxury. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1600mm x 700-800mm x 410mm and has a 210 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Delta Shower Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath is designed so it expands out on the right hand side, therefore creating more space to shower in; a left hand side expansion is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Status Shower Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Delta 1700 x 700-800 Carronite LH Shower Bath – 23.2671L (Q4-02076)

    Original price was: £1,322.40.Current price is: £766.99.
    The Carron Delta 1700 x 700-800 Carronite LH Shower Bath offers the opportunity to shower or bathe in comfort and style in an elegant combination which requires little more space that a standard bath, this really is space saving luxury. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm x 700-800mm x 420mm and has a 230 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Delta Shower Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath is designed so it expands out on the left hand side, therefore creating more space to shower in; a right hand side expansion is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Status Shower Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Delta 1700 x 700-800 Carronite RH Shower Bath – 23.2671R (Q4-02078)

    Original price was: £1,322.40.Current price is: £766.99.
    The Carron Delta 1700 x 700-800 Carronite RH Shower Bath offers the opportunity to shower or bathe in comfort and style in an elegant combination which requires little more space that a standard bath, this really is space saving luxury. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm x 700-800mm x 420mm and has a 230 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Delta Shower Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath is designed so it expands out on the right hand side, therefore creating more space to shower in; a left hand side expansion is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Status Shower Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Monarch 1300 x 1300 Carronite Corner Bath – 23.2321 (Q4-02237)

    Original price was: £1,328.26.Current price is: £770.39.
    The Carron Monarch 1300 x 1300 Carronite Corner Bath is a magnificent example of a corner bath, its smooth curves are pleasing to the eye while its spacious design offers highly comfortable bathing. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1300mm x 1300mm x 400mm and has a 205 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Monarch comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither is the suspended curved front panel but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Monarch Corner Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
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    Sanispeed Heavy Duty Pump

    Original price was: £813.43.Current price is: £772.76.
    Saniflo - Sanispeed Heavy Duty Pump The Sanispeed is ideal for use in serveries bars canteens and coffee shops where it is necessary to pump waste from domestic or commercail appliances and is ideal for multiple use. The Sanispeed heavy duty pump can be located anywhere and is particullarly suitable for being positioned in the basement. The Sanibest has a continuously rated motor designed to dissipate heat in intensive use conditions the casing has two low level inlets for non-WC appliances and the Sanibest has an advanced water level actuation chamber controlled by a micro-switch. The heavy duty Sanibest has an extremely powerful horizontal discharge of up Seventy metres and a vertical discharge of up to Seven metres and these powerful compact pump measures only 350mm in height 373mm in width and 185mm in depth so it can be easily hidden away. The Sanibest maceratoris made to the highest quality standards by Saniflo who are the world leader in the manufacture of macerators and waste pumps and conforms to all European safety standards
  • Sale!

    Carron Sigma 1800 x 750-900 5mm Acrylic LH Shower Bath – CA02471 (Q4-02471)

    Original price was: £1,354.80.Current price is: £785.78.
    The Carron Sigma 1800 x 750-900 5mm Acrylic LH Shower Bath is the epitome of style and comfort. Generously proportioned with elegant contours the Sigma really exudes luxury and offers a bathing experience second to none. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1800mm x 750-900mm x 450mm and has a 265 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Sigma Shower Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath is designed so it expands out on the left hand side, therefore creating more space to shower in; a right hand side expansion is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Status Shower Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a twenty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Sigma 1800 x 750-900 5mm Acrylic RH Shower Bath – CA02472 (Q4-02472)

    Original price was: £1,354.80.Current price is: £785.78.
    The Carron Sigma 1800 x 750-900 5mm Acrylic RH Shower Bath is the epitome of style and comfort. Generously proportioned with elegant contours the Sigma really exudes luxury and offers a bathing experience second to none. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1800mm x 750-900mm x 450mm and has a 265 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Sigma Shower Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath is designed so it expands out on the right hand side, therefore creating more space to shower in; a left hand side expansion is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Status Shower Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a twenty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Eastbrook Staverton Tube on Tube Straight 1800mm x 600mm Heated Towel Rail in Chrome

    Original price was: £1,346.40.Current price is: £788.72.
    The Staverton Tube on Tube Straight towel rail takes the flat bars and shallow profile of the Staverton one step further by giving a higher output which provides an optimum drying area for fast efficient towel drying, it will also provide you with that luxurious feeling you can get when snuggling into a warm towel after a relaxing bath or an invigorating shower. This towel rail is 1800mm in height by 600mm in width with tapping centres approximately 50mm less than the width of the rail and approximately 65mm off the wall, it also comes with an output at Delta T60°C of 1092 Watts/3726 BTU. This towel rail is not just for use with a central heating system, with the fitting of a 600 Watt electric heating element it can be converted into an All Electric or Dual Fuel (central heating & electricity) powered towel rail giving you the ability to use it throughout the year regardless of whether you’ve got the central heating turned on or not, for this the Eastbrook Element Type A, D, and E are available for purchase. Please note that this rail is supplied in the Chrome finish, it is also available in the white finish. *TO ORDER ANY OF THE OTHER AVAILABLE FINISHES PLEASE CONTACT US AT AS PRICES DO VARY DEPENDING ON THE FINISH.* With all of these features this heated towel rail is not only practical but its exquisite design also means that it will complement any bathroom or shower rooms décor therefore giving you that extra statement whatever the setting. This towel rail is made to the highest standards by Eastbrook one of the leading manufacturers in radiators & heated towel rails who supply these products with a 5 year guarantee with conditions. *PLEASE NOTE that radiator valves and electric heating elements are not included with this product, Eastbrook do supply these but they are sold separately. We do sell all of the products in the Eastbrook range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Carron Axis/Aspect 1700 x 700-800 Carronite LH Shower Bath – 23.5411L (Q4-02026)

    Original price was: £1,360.80.Current price is: £789.26.
    The Carron Axis/Aspect 1700 x 700-800 Carronite LH Shower Bath is a low level bath, therefore offering easy access and the added advantage of using less water. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm x 700-800mm x 345mm and has a 190 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Axis/Aspect Shower Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath is designed with a curve expanding out on the left hand side, therefore creating more space to shower in; a right hand side curve is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Axis/Aspect Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
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