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    Carron Urban 1700 x 750-900 Carronite LH Shower Bath – CA02370 (Q4-02370)

    Original price was: £1,456.80.Current price is: £844.94.
    The Carron Urban 1700 x 750-900 Carronite LH Shower Bath is a modern angular shower bath with extra width for comfortable showering. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm x 750-900mm x 420mm and has a 260 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Urban Shower Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath is designed with a curve expanding out on the left hand side, therefore creating more space to shower in; a right hand side curve is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Urban Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Urban 1700 x 750-900 Carronite RH Shower Bath – CA02372 (Q4-02372)

    Original price was: £1,456.80.Current price is: £844.94.
    The Carron Urban 1700 x 750-900 Carronite RH Shower Bath is a modern angular shower bath with extra width for comfortable showering. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm x 750-900mm x 420mm and has a 260 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Urban Shower Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath is designed with a curve expanding out on the right hand side, therefore creating more space to shower in; a left hand side curve is also available. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Urban Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Synergy San Marlo 1415 x 750mm Freestanding Double Ended Bath in White

    Original price was: £1,349.00.Current price is: £849.88.
    The Synergy San Marlo 1415 x 750mm Freestanding Double Ended Bath is a stunningly beautiful bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a seamless twin skinned acrylic bath that has been created due to developments in technology. Meaning this bath has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. Synergy baths also feature sleek designs that are easy to install and require low maintenance meaning you will get years of flawless enjoyment out of them. So as a delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1415mm (L) x 750mm (W) x 580mm (H) and has a 181 litres water capacity. This bath is manufactured from a high quality white reinforced acrylic which features a modern curvaceous design with smooth stylish lines, therefore giving you a large spacious bathing area for that extra added comfort. A leg set is also included for a quick and easy installation. However please note that this bath is designed for freestanding mixer use only as it cannot be drilled, also waste & overflows are not supplied with the bath but are available for purchase separately. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Synergy who is part of Robert Lee Distribution Ltd, one of the UK’s largest bathroom distributers, and comes with a lifetime manufacturer’s guarantee on these products against faulty manufacturing and materials providing they are installed, used and regularly maintained correctly. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Synergy range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Synergy San Marlo 1555 x 745mm Freestanding Double Ended Bath in White

    Original price was: £1,349.00.Current price is: £849.88.
    The Synergy San Marlo 1555 x 745mm Freestanding Double Ended Bath is a stunningly beautiful bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a seamless twin skinned acrylic bath that has been created due to developments in technology. Meaning this bath has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. Synergy baths also feature sleek designs that are easy to install and require low maintenance meaning you will get years of flawless enjoyment out of them. So as a delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1555mm (L) x 745mm (W) x 580mm (H) and has a 181 litres water capacity. This bath is manufactured from a high quality white reinforced acrylic which features a modern curvaceous design with smooth stylish lines, therefore giving you a large spacious bathing area for that extra added comfort. A leg set is also included for a quick and easy installation. However please note that this bath is designed for freestanding mixer use only as it cannot be drilled, also waste & overflows are not supplied with the bath but are available for purchase separately. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Synergy who is part of Robert Lee Distribution Ltd, one of the UK’s largest bathroom distributers, and comes with a lifetime manufacturer’s guarantee on these products against faulty manufacturing and materials providing they are installed, used and regularly maintained correctly. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Synergy range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Carron Equity 1800 x 800 Carronite Bath – 23.2025 (Q4-02362)

    Original price was: £1,480.80.Current price is: £858.86.
    The Carron Equity 1800 x 800 Carronite Bath is a spacious double ended bath that comes with an integral tap ledge. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1800mm x 800mm x 440mm and has a 225 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Equity comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Equation Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Haiku 1800 x 800 Carronite Bath – 23.5141 (Q4-02097)

    Original price was: £1,492.64.Current price is: £865.73.
    The Carron Haiku 1800 x 800 Carronite Bath is an elegant minimalist double ended bath with many straight lines and small radius curves with a gentle sloping backrest. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1800mm x 800mm x 450mm and has a 230 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Haiku comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Haiku Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Sigma 1800 x 800 Carronite Bath – CA02198 (Q4-02198)

    Original price was: £1,494.00.Current price is: £866.52.
    The Carron Sigma 1800 x 800 Carronite Bath without Twin Grips is a bath that combines style and elegance with its smooth lines and larger bathing area to enjoy a relaxing soak. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1800mm x 800mm x 450mm and has a 240 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Sigma Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath does not include chrome twin hand grips but the option to have them is available (look up the Sigma bath with twin hand grips). Taps and waste fittings are also not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Sigma Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Synergy Lugano 1700 x 800mm Freestanding Double Ended Bath

    Original price was: £1,380.00.Current price is: £869.40.
    The Synergy Lugano 1700 x 800mm Freestanding Double Ended Bath takes contemporary freestanding baths to the next level with its stunningly beautiful design and high backs to provide you with a fantastic option if you enjoy a long relaxing soak. This is a seamless twin skinned acrylic bath that has been created due to developments in technology. Meaning this bath has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. Synergy baths also feature sleek designs that are easy to install and require low maintenance meaning you will get years of flawless enjoyment out of them. So as a delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm (L) x 800mm (W) x 580mm (H). This bath is manufactured from a high quality white 5mm acrylic which features a modern curvaceous design with smooth stylish lines, therefore giving you a large spacious bathing area for that extra added comfort. This bath also comes complete with waste, overflow & leg set. However please note that this bath is designed for freestanding mixer use only as it cannot be drilled. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Synergy who is part of Robert Lee Distribution Ltd, one of the UK’s largest bathroom distributers, and comes with a lifetime manufacturer’s guarantee on these products against faulty manufacturing and materials providing they are installed, used and regularly maintained correctly. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Synergy range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Carron Echelon 1700 x 750 Carronite Bath – 23.5831 (Q4-02080)

    Original price was: £1,502.40.Current price is: £871.39.
    The Carron Echelon 1700 x 750 Carronite Bath is a spacious double ended bath available with our unique luxury chrome combined integral waterfall filler. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm x 750mm x 420mm and has a 209 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Echelon comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference. The Echelon bath also comes with a WRAS certified water filler, overflow and push button waste, however separate control valves are required to use the filler. Taps are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Roper Rhodes Contrast 1000mm Double Door Recessible Cabinet

    Original price was: £1,360.00.Current price is: £897.60.
    The Roper Rhodes Contrast 1000mm Double Door Recessible Cabinet gives you flexibility when installing this cabinet by allowing you the option of it being ‘Surface Mounted’ or ‘Recessed’. With its range of features and installation options this cabinet is the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your décor. With an amazing aesthetic, this cabinet features a great design and a host of features. This cabinet includes the option for it to be installed recessed or surface mounted, a multi-function infrared switch that is controlled by contactless hand movements, dimmable and colour changing LED lighting which allows you to adjust the LED brightness and colour temperature from Warm White to Daylight White, a built-in charging socket for your shaver or toothbrush, a USB charging socket, a built-in demister pad to eliminate steam from the surface, push to open doors, 2 adjustable glass shelves, is IP44 rated and complies with all EU safety regulations. The Contrast 1000mm Double Door Recessible Cabinet is 1000mm in width by 700mm in height by 119mm in depth when surface mounted or by 49mm in depth when recessed. The Contrast 1000mm Single Door Recessible Cabinet is made by Roper Rhodes one of the leading manufacturers of bathroom accessories and is made to the highest quality standard, the mirror also comes with a manufacturer’s guarantee for peace of mind.
  • Sale!

    Synergy San Marlo 1655 x 750mm Freestanding Double Ended Bath in White

    Original price was: £1,439.00.Current price is: £906.58.
    The Synergy San Marlo 1655 x 750mm Freestanding Double Ended Bath in White is a stunningly beautiful bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a seamless twin skinned acrylic bath that has been created due to developments in technology. Meaning this bath has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. Synergy baths also feature sleek designs that are easy to install and require low maintenance meaning you will get years of flawless enjoyment out of them. So as a delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1655mm (L) x 750mm (W) x 580mm (H) and has a 198 litres water capacity. This bath is manufactured from a high quality white reinforced acrylic which features a modern curvaceous design with smooth stylish lines, therefore giving you a large spacious bathing area for that extra added comfort. A leg set is also included for a quick and easy installation. However please note that this bath is designed for freestanding mixer use only as it cannot be drilled, also waste & overflows are not supplied with the bath but are available for purchase separately. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Synergy who is part of Robert Lee Distribution Ltd, one of the UK’s largest bathroom distributers, and comes with a lifetime manufacturer’s guarantee on these products against faulty manufacturing and materials providing they are installed, used and regularly maintained correctly. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Synergy range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Carron Sigma 1800 x 800 Carronite Bath with Twin Grips – 23.5271 (Q4-02198 + Q4-02377)

    Original price was: £1,564.80.Current price is: £907.58.
    The Carron Sigma 1800 x 800 Carronite Bath with Twin Grips is a bath that combines style and elegance with its smooth lines and larger bathing area to enjoy a relaxing soak. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1800mm x 800mm x 450mm and has a 240 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Sigma Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath includes matching chrome twin hand grips, however taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Sigma Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
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