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    Sanispeed Heavy Duty Pump

    Original price was: £813.43.Current price is: £772.76.
    Saniflo - Sanispeed Heavy Duty Pump The Sanispeed is ideal for use in serveries bars canteens and coffee shops where it is necessary to pump waste from domestic or commercail appliances and is ideal for multiple use. The Sanispeed heavy duty pump can be located anywhere and is particullarly suitable for being positioned in the basement. The Sanibest has a continuously rated motor designed to dissipate heat in intensive use conditions the casing has two low level inlets for non-WC appliances and the Sanibest has an advanced water level actuation chamber controlled by a micro-switch. The heavy duty Sanibest has an extremely powerful horizontal discharge of up Seventy metres and a vertical discharge of up to Seven metres and these powerful compact pump measures only 350mm in height 373mm in width and 185mm in depth so it can be easily hidden away. The Sanibest maceratoris made to the highest quality standards by Saniflo who are the world leader in the manufacture of macerators and waste pumps and conforms to all European safety standards
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    Shaker End Panel Wood Veneer Beech 700mm

    Original price was: £77.00.Current price is: £50.05.
    700mm size bath end panel in beech finish
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    Shaker End Panel Wood Veneer Beech 750mm

    Original price was: £77.00.Current price is: £50.05.
    The Shaker Beech 750mm bath end panel is a stylish wood veneer end panel designed to provide the finishing touch to any standard rectangular bath. This panel is an ideal choice whether to complement that new bath or to re-invigorate that tired old bath. This wonderful bath end panel is made to the highest quality standards by Ideal one of the leading manufacturers of baths sanitary ware and taps in a luxurious wood veneer with the surfaces 100% waterproofed and all edges fully sealed to protect against water penetration. This superbly finished bath end panel not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; thats all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. The Shaker bath end panel is 750mm and comes in a Beech finish. All bath end panels come with a 10mm ?quick fix lip that fits snugly under the edge of the bath so it can be easily fit by anyone in minutes. The bath panel comes with a one-year manufacturers guarantee.
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    Shaker End Panel Wood Veneer Beech 800mm

    Original price was: £77.00.Current price is: £50.05.
    The Shaker Beech 800mm bath end panel is a stylish wood veneer end panel designed to provide the finishing touch to any standard rectangular bath. This panel is an ideal choice whether to complement that new bath or to re-invigorate that tired old bath. This wonderful bath end panel is made to the highest quality standards by Ideal one of the leading manufacturers of baths sanitary ware and taps in a luxurious wood veneer with the surfaces 100% waterproofed and all edges fully sealed to protect against water penetration. This superbly finished bath end panel not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; thats all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. The Shaker bath end panel is 800mm and comes in a Beech finish. All bath end panels come with a 10mm ?quick fix lip that fits snugly under the edge of the bath so it can be easily fit by anyone in minutes. The bath panel comes with a one-year manufacturers guarantee.
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    Shaker End Panel Wood Veneer Maple 700mm

    Original price was: £77.00.Current price is: £50.05.
    The Shaker Maple 700mm bath end panel is a stylish wood veneer end panel designed to provide the finishing touch to any standard rectangular bath. This panel is an ideal choice whether to complement that new bath or to re-invigorate that tired old bath. This wonderful bath end panel is made to the highest quality standards by Ideal one of the leading manufacturers of baths sanitary ware and taps in a luxurious wood veneer with the surfaces 100% waterproofed and all edges fully sealed to protect against water penetration. This superbly finished bath end panel not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; thats all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. The Shaker bath end panel is 700mm and comes in a Maple finish. All bath end panels come with a 10mm ?quick fix lip that fits snugly under the edge of the bath so it can be easily fit by anyone in minutes. The bath panel comes with a one-year manufacturers guarantee.
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    Shaker End Panel Wood Veneer Maple 750mm

    Original price was: £77.00.Current price is: £50.05.
    The Shaker Maple 750mm bath end panel is a stylish wood veneer end panel designed to provide the finishing touch to any standard rectangular bath. This panel is an ideal choice whether to complement that new bath or to re-invigorate that tired old bath. This wonderful bath end panel is made to the highest quality standards by Ideal one of the leading manufacturers of baths sanitary ware and taps in a luxurious wood veneer with the surfaces 100% waterproofed and all edges fully sealed to protect against water penetration. This superbly finished bath end panel not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; thats all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. The Shaker bath end panel is 750mm and comes in a Maple finish. All bath end panels come with a 10mm ?quick fix lip that fits snugly under the edge of the bath so it can be easily fit by anyone in minutes. The bath panel comes with a one-year manufacturers guarantee.
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    Shaker End Panel Wood Veneer Maple 800mm

    Original price was: £77.00.Current price is: £50.05.
    The Shaker Maple 800mm bath end panel is a stylish wood veneer end panel designed to provide the finishing touch to any standard rectangular bath. This panel is an ideal choice whether to complement that new bath or to re-invigorate that tired old bath. This wonderful bath end panel is made to the highest quality standards by Ideal one of the leading manufacturers of baths sanitary ware and taps in a luxurious wood veneer with the surfaces 100% waterproofed and all edges fully sealed to protect against water penetration. This superbly finished bath end panel not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; thats all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. The Shaker bath end panel is 800mm and comes in a Maple finish. All bath end panels come with a 10mm ?quick fix lip that fits snugly under the edge of the bath so it can be easily fit by anyone in minutes. The bath panel comes with a one-year manufacturers guarantee.
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    Shaker Front Panel Wood Veneer Beech 1500mm

    Original price was: £113.00.Current price is: £73.45.
    The Shaker 1500mm Beech bath front panel is a stylish wood veneer finished panel designed to provide the finishing touch to any standard rectangular bath. This panel is an ideal choice whether to complement that new bath or to re-invigorate that tired old bath. This wonderful bath panel is made to the highest quality standards for Ideal one of the leading suppliers of bathroom accessories in a luxurious wood veneer with the surfaces 100% waterproofed and all edges fully sealed to protect against water penetration. This superbly finished bath panel not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; thats all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. The Shaker bath front panel comes with a 10mm ?quick fix lip that fits snugly under the edge of the bath so it can be easily fitted in minutes. The bath panel comes with a one-year manufacturers guarantee
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    Shaker Front Panel Wood Veneer Beech 1600mm

    Original price was: £113.00.Current price is: £73.45.
    The Shaker 1600mm Beech bath front panel is a stylish wood veneer finished panel designed to provide
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    Shaker Front Panel Wood Veneer Beech 1800mm

    Original price was: £113.00.Current price is: £73.45.
    The Shaker 1800mm Beech bath front panel is a stylish wood veneer finished panel designed to provide the finishing touch to any standard rectangular bath. This panel is an ideal choice whether to complement that new bath or to re-invigorate that tired old bath. This wonderful bath panel is made to the highest quality standards for Ideal one of the leading suppliers of bathroom accessories in a luxurious wood veneer with the surfaces 100% waterproofed and all edges fully sealed to protect against water penetration. This superbly finished bath panel not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; thats all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. The Shaker bath front panel comes with a 10mm ?quick fix lip that fits snugly under the edge of the bath so it can be easily fitted in minutes. The bath panel comes with a one-year manufacturers guarantee
  • Sale!

    Shaker Front Panel Wood Veneer Beech 1900mm

    Original price was: £113.00.Current price is: £73.45.
    The Shaker 1900mm Beech bath front panel is a stylish wood veneer finished panel designed to provide the finishing touch to any standard rectangular bath. This panel is an ideal choice whether to complement that new bath or to re-invigorate that tired old bath. This wonderful bath panel is made to the highest quality standards for Ideal one of the leading suppliers of bathroom accessories in a luxurious wood veneer with the surfaces 100% waterproofed and all edges fully sealed to protect against water penetration. This superbly finished bath panel not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; thats all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. The Shaker bath front panel comes with a 10mm ?quick fix lip that fits snugly under the edge of the bath so it can be easily fitted in minutes. The bath panel comes with a one-year manufacturers guarantee
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    Shaker Front Panel Wood Veneer Maple 1500mm

    Original price was: £113.00.Current price is: £73.45.
    The Shaker 1500mm Maple bath front panel is a stylish wood veneer finished panel designed to provide the finishing touch to any standard rectangular bath. This panel is an ideal choice whether to complement that new bath or to re-invigorate that tired old bath. This wonderful bath panel is made to the highest quality standards for Ideal one of the leading suppliers of bathroom accessories in a luxurious wood veneer with the surfaces 100% waterproofed and all edges fully sealed to protect against water penetration. This superbly finished bath panel not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; thats all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. The Shaker bath front panel comes with a 10mm ?quick fix lip that fits snugly under the edge of the bath so it can be easily fitted in minutes. The bath panel comes with a one-year manufacturers guarantee
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