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    April Harrogate 1700 x 750mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,743.00.Current price is: £1,132.94.
    The April Harrogate 1700 x 750mm Freestanding Bath is a luxurious bath with a gentle curve design that with no doubt will add a sophisticated look to any contemporary bathroom. This is a double skinned acrylic bath meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm (L) x 750mm (W) x 580mm (H). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by April Products one of the UK’s top brands for shower enclosures, trays and baths. This freestanding baths come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the April range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
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    Sanicom Heavy Duty Pump

    Original price was: £1,193.50.Current price is: £1,133.82.
    Saniflow - Sanicom Heavy Duty Pump The Saniflow Sanicom heavy duty pump is ideal for heavy duty industrial or commercial use and can be used with any heavy duty dishwashers and washing machines. Sanicom heavy duty pump has a powerful oil and fan-cooled motor built into an aluminium housing. The pump is capable of pumping water horizontally for up to 70 metres and vertically for up to 8m and can pump water up to a maximum temperature of 90? C. It can maintain its normal operating temperature of 65? C for long periods making it ideal for use in all demanding commercial or industrial situations such as busy hotels restaurants or care homes. Its high flow rate to pumping head performance makes it ideally suited for use with for example large sinks an industrial glass washer/dishwasher or a combination of showers baths or sinks. It also has comes with a connections for fitting an external alarm. Pumps up to 70 metres Electrical supply 220-240V / 50Hz
  • Sale!

    Carron Linea 1900 x 900 Carronite Bath – 23.2691 (Q4-02121)

    Original price was: £1,969.00.Current price is: £1,142.02.
    The Carron Linea 1900 x 900 Carronite Bath is a large, modern and beautifully designed double ended bath giving a spacious bathing area. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1900mm x 900mm x 460mm and has a 345 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Linea comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Linea Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Sigma 1900 x 900 Carronite Bath with Twin Grips – 23.5281 (Q4-02202 + Q4-02377)

    Original price was: £1,982.40.Current price is: £1,149.79.
    The Carron Sigma 1900 x 900 Carronite Bath with Twin Grips is a bath that combines style and elegance with its smooth lines and larger bathing area to enjoy a relaxing soak. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1900mm x 900mm x 460mm and has a 350 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Sigma Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. This bath includes matching chrome twin hand grips, however taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Sigma Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Centennial 1500 x 1500 Carronite Corner Bath – 23.2911 (Q4-02231)

    Original price was: £2,001.60.Current price is: £1,160.93.
    The Carron Centennial 1500 x 1500 Carronite Corner Bath is a larger designed corner bath that will make you the envy of your friends. Not only is this a beautiful addition to your bathroom but it is also a chance to indulge in that special bathing experience. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1500mm x 1500mm x 500mm and has a 407 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Centennial comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither is the suspended curved front panel but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Centennial Corner Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Hexham 1690 x 760mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,299.00.Current price is: £1,169.10.
    The Royce Morgan Hexham 1690 x 760mm Freestanding Bath is designed with a touch of beauty that you will be amazed and impressed by, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from using two 5mm acrylic sheets that make it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with a flat top finish is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow where the options to choose from are in the Value Package section. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1690mm (L) x 760mm (W) x 590mm (H) and has a 185 litres to overflow capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    BWT WS455 Water Softener (Old Waterside SKU MC450S)

    Original price was: £1,257.54.Current price is: £1,194.66.
    The BWT Water Softener WS455 was previously the Waterside MC450S It is superbly easy to benefit from the BWT WS455 Water Softener as a product resulting from continued design development. Usage of the BWT WS455 Water Softener is simple. Just configure the time of operation and the relevant water-hardness setting for your location. The BWT MC455S Water Softener is designed exclusively to solve the hard-water issues found throughout the United Kingdom. With a neat footprint the BWT WS455 Water Softener can be installed inside of any regular 600mm storage area. Therefore one does not have to install the unit in an outhouse location which makes topping up the salt container most convenient. The rotary valve ensures the unit is easy to maintain whilst sturdy construction is evident from the high capacity resin bed.
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Barwick 1690 x 740mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,349.00.Current price is: £1,214.10.
    The Royce Morgan Barwick 1690 x 740mm Freestanding Bath is a masterpiece that allows function and form to become one entity, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from using two 5mm acrylic sheets that make it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This single ended bath with a flat top finish allows for tap holes to be drilled on request and comes complete with waste and overflow where the options to choose from are in the Value Package section. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1690mm (L) x 740mm (W) x 600mm (H) and has a 195 litres to overflow capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Bolton 1690 x 800mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,349.00.Current price is: £1,214.10.
    The Royce Morgan Bolton 1690 x 800mm Freestanding Bath is designed without compromise, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from using two 5mm acrylic sheets that make it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with a flat top finish is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow where the options to choose from are in the Value Package section. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1690mm (L) x 800mm (W) x 600mm (H) and has a 190 litres to overflow capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Bolton 1805 x 860mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,349.00.Current price is: £1,214.10.
    The Royce Morgan Bolton 1805 x 860mm Freestanding Bath is designed without compromise, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from using two 5mm acrylic sheets that make it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with a flat top finish is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow where the options to choose from are in the Value Package section. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1805mm (L) x 860mm (W) x 600mm (H) and has a 215 litres to overflow capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Westminster 1490 x 850mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,349.00.Current price is: £1,214.10.
    The Royce Morgan Westminster 1490 x 850mm Freestanding Bath is futuristic in feature and with its oval shaped design it embodies both beauty and sophistication, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from using two 5mm acrylic sheets that make it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with a flat top finish is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow where the options to choose from are in the Value Package section. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1490mm (L) x 850mm (W) x 580mm (H) and has a 160 litres to overflow capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Westminster 1860 x 880mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,349.00.Current price is: £1,214.10.
    The Royce Morgan Westminster 1860 x 880mm Freestanding Bath is futuristic in feature and with its oval shaped design it embodies both beauty and sophistication, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from using two 5mm acrylic sheets that make it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with a flat top finish is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow where the options to choose from are in the Value Package section. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1860mm (L) x 880mm (W) x 590mm (H) and has a 193 litres to overflow capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
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