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    HIB Extractor Fan Accessory Kit White

    Original price was: £23.16.Current price is: £14.36.
    When purchasing a wall or ceiling mounted extractor fan why not add the HIB Extractor Fan Accessory Kit White to help complete what you need to help remove condensation from your bathroom at a great value. This kit includes 3 metres of flexible ducting (10cm diameter), a white external fixed grille (brown is also available) and two steel hose clamps. The accessory kit is compatible with Hush, Breeze & Air-Star extractor fans.
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    HIB Extractor Fan Accessory Kit Brown

    Original price was: £23.16.Current price is: £14.36.
    When purchasing a wall or ceiling mounted extractor fan why not add the HIB Extractor Fan Accessory Kit Brown to help complete what you need to help remove condensation from your bathroom at a great value. This kit includes 3 metres of flexible ducting (10cm diameter), a brown external fixed grille (white is also available) and two steel hose clamps. The accessory kit is compatible with Hush, Breeze & Air-Star extractor fans.
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    HIB Eris 40 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides

    Original price was: £374.88.Current price is: £232.43.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Eris 40 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. If you are looking for a simplistic style then this cabinet is the answer, with its subtle style it is the perfect fit for understated bathrooms and will provide a flourish of classic beauty. This cabinet also reflects its surroundings with its mirrored sides therefore making it match the style of your bathroom and ensuring a seamless continuity of design. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Eris 40 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes 2 glass shelves and a single left hand hinged door with double sided mirror and soft close hinges. The Eris 40 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides is 40cm in width by 60cm in height by 13cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating of the mirror.
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    HIB Eris 30 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides

    Original price was: £637.94.Current price is: £395.52.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Eris 30 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. If you are looking for a simplistic style then this cabinet is the answer, with its subtle style it is the perfect fit for understated bathrooms and will provide a flourish of classic beauty. This cabinet also reflects its surroundings with its mirrored sides therefore making it match the style of your bathroom and ensuring a seamless continuity of design. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Eris 30 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes 5 glass shelves and a single left hand hinged door with double sided mirror and soft close hinges., The Eris 30 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides is 30cm in width by 170cm in height by 13cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating of the mirror.
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    HIB Emma Bathroom Mirror

    Original price was: £108.64.Current price is: £67.36.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Emma Bathroom Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Offering a light-amplifying accent for any bathroom mirror on mirror styles are an ideal choice if you love contemporary visuals. With this mirrors bevelled edges you will find the perfect centrepiece for your bathroom. The mirror can be mounted either landscape or portrait therefore making it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. The Emma Bathroom Mirror is 40cm in width by 50cm in height and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB with a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating of the mirror.
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    HIB Element 60 LED Illuminated Mirror

    Original price was: £449.44.Current price is: £278.65.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Element 60 LED Illuminated Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Featuring a quirky, multi-layered design this mirror is mounted onto a flawless clear glass base which is then surrounded by a temperature changing LED lit frame, creating an eye catching overall effect. The mirror can be mounted either landscape or portrait therefore making it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Element 60 LED Illuminated Mirror features a great design with a host of features. This mirror includes colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a touch switch button to turn the lighting on & off or hold to change the lighting colour, a built-in heated demister pad to eliminate steam from the surface and is IP44 electrically safe. The Element 60 LED Illuminated Mirror is 60cm in width by 80cm in height by 3cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB with a 2 year guarantee.
  • Sale!

    HIB Element 120 LED Illuminated Mirror

    Original price was: £600.66.Current price is: £372.41.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Element 120 LED Illuminated Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Featuring a quirky, multi-layered design this mirror is mounted onto a flawless clear glass base which is then surrounded by a temperature changing LED lit frame, creating an eye catching overall effect. The mirror can be mounted either landscape or portrait therefore making it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Element 120 LED Illuminated Mirror features a great design with a host of features. This mirror includes colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a touch switch button to turn the lighting on & off or hold to change the lighting colour, a built-in heated demister pad to eliminate steam from the surface and is IP44 electrically safe. The Element 120 LED Illuminated Mirror is 120cm in width by 60cm in height by 3cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB with a 2 year guarantee.
  • Sale!

    HIB Edge 80 LED Demisting Mirror Cabinet

    Original price was: £893.54.Current price is: £553.99.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Edge 80 LED Demisting Mirror Cabinet for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Its soft top & bottom ambient lighting with a delicate LED trim are what make this cabinet an instant design classic. With its functional features of a built-in charging socket and heated pads to eliminate condensation, this cabinet also come with soft close hinges to add a touch of gentility to your bathroom. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Edge 80 LED Demisting Mirror Cabinet features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes energy saving LED illumination, ambient top and bottom lighting, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, double doors with double sided mirror and soft close hinges, a built-in heated pad in the mirrored door to eliminate steam from the surface, a charging socket (for toothbrushes & shavers etc.), 6 glass shelves, mirror sides and is IP44 electrically safe. The Edge 80 LED Demisting Mirror Cabinet is 80cm in width by 70cm in height by 14cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 2 year guarantee for electrical components and 5 years for the silver coating.
  • Sale!

    HIB Edge 50 LED Demisting Mirror Cabinet

    Original price was: £733.79.Current price is: £454.94.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Edge 50 LED Demisting Mirror Cabinet for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Its soft top & bottom ambient lighting with a delicate LED trim are what make this cabinet an instant design classic. With its functional features of a built-in charging socket and heated pads to eliminate condensation, this cabinet also come with soft close hinges to add a touch of gentility to your bathroom. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Edge 50 LED Demisting Mirror Cabinet features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes energy saving LED illumination, ambient top and bottom lighting, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, a single left hand hinged door with double sided mirror and soft close hinges, a built-in heated pad in the mirrored door to eliminate steam from the surface, a charging socket (for toothbrushes & shavers etc.), 3 glass shelves, mirror sides and is IP44 electrically safe. The Edge 50 LED Demisting Mirror Cabinet is 50cm in width by 70cm in height by 14cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 2 year guarantee for electrical components and 5 years for the silver coating.
  • Sale!

    HIB Duplus 80 LED Mirror with Charging Socket

    Original price was: £457.94.Current price is: £283.92.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Duplus 80 LED Mirror with Charging Socket for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Duplus combines hints of classic Georgian architecture with the sophistication of modern interior design. Vertical pillars of LED light are artfully paired with softer, backlit horizontal lines. This draws the eye upward, adding height to the room. Duplus features an in-built two-pin charging socket, for your convenience. Its timeless, geometric angles create a mirror that is equally at home in a classic or contemporary bathroom. Features • Colour temperature changing LED illumination • 2 pin charging socket • Heated pad • Sensor switch The Duplus 80 LED Mirror with Charging Socket is 60cm in height by 80cm in width by 7cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. HIB provide a 2 year guarantee on the electrical components in the mirror cabinet and a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating on the mirror.
  • Sale!

    HIB Duplus 50 LED Mirror with Charging Socket

    Original price was: £457.94.Current price is: £283.92.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Duplus 50 LED Mirror with Charging Socket for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Duplus combines hints of classic Georgian architecture with the sophistication of modern interior design. Vertical pillars of LED light are artfully paired with softer, backlit horizontal lines. This draws the eye upward, adding height to the room. Duplus features an in-built two-pin charging socket, for your convenience. Its timeless, geometric angles create a mirror that is equally at home in a classic or contemporary bathroom. Features ? Colour temperature changing LED illumination ? 2 pin charging socket ? Heated pad ? Sensor switch The Duplus 50 LED Mirror with Charging Socket is 90cm in height by 50cm in width by7cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. HIB provide a 2 year guarantee on the electrical components in the mirror cabinet and a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating on the mirror.
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    HIB D4 Demista 524mm by 1040mm Heated Mirror Pad

    Original price was: £192.76.Current price is: £119.51.
    Demista Pads are simple efficient ultra slim heating pads that fit inconspicuously behind bathroom mirrors; existing or newly installed. Once fitted the mirror will never steam up in and around the pad. Look for the Demista sign to ascertain the correct size for the mirror of your choice. Frequently Asked Questions Can demista? be cut? No. This will damage the insulation rendering it dangerous. How much of the mirror should demista? cover? This depends on what area is required to be clear. The area of the mirror that will remain steam free is the area of thedemista pad plus approximately20-30 area around it. Can demista; be used with safety backed mirrors? Yes but the backing should be earthed as should all metal parts surrounding the mirror. Is a transformer required? Only with low volt models. Can more than 1 demista; be fitted to a mirror? Yes within the limitations of the available power. They should then be fitted in parallel. What adhesive should be used to bond the mirror to the wall? Any solvent free. Can the mirror adhesive be applied across demista? Yes. Can demista be used with a dimmer switch? This is not advisable as when turned down there would be insufficient power for demista; to be fully effective. What thickness of mirror can be used? As glass is a good conductor of heat demista; is suitable for use with any normal thickness of mirror. All HIB products are delivered especially and directly to you by an HIB factory driver. This treatment is the reassurance you need when ordering an item as your choice will be transported by a purpose-built van that is ideal for the safe transit of such delicate goods.
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