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  • Sale!

    Clearwater Nuvola ClearStone 1700 x 750mm Freestanding Bath – N22CS (125.N22CS)

    Original price was: £2,299.00.Current price is: £1,724.24.
    The Clearwater Nuvola ClearStone 1700 x 750mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm (L) x 750mm (W) x 520mm (H) and has a 231 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Clearwater Palermo Petite ClearStone 1524 x 750mm Freestanding Bath – N4CCS (125.N4CCS)

    Original price was: £2,415.00.Current price is: £1,811.24.
    The Clearwater Palermo Petite ClearStone 1524 x 750mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1524mm (L) x 750mm (W) x 570mm (H) and has a 213 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Clearwater Vicenza Petite ClearStone 1524 x 800mm Freestanding Bath – N6DCS (125.N6DCS)

    Original price was: £2,415.00.Current price is: £1,811.24.
    The Clearwater Vicenza Petite 1524 x 800mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1524mm (L) x 800mm (W) x 565mm (H) and has a 237.5 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Clearwater Uno ClearStone 1550 x 725mm Freestanding Bath – N27CS (125.N27CS)

    Original price was: £2,475.00.Current price is: £1,856.24.
    The Clearwater Uno 1550 x 725mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1550mm (L) x 725mm (W) x 475mm (H) and has a 230 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Clearwater Patinato Petite ClearStone 1524 x 800mm Freestanding Bath – N3ACS (125.N3ACS)

    Original price was: £2,480.00.Current price is: £1,860.00.
    The Clearwater Patinato Petite ClearStone 1524 x 800mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1524mm (L) x 800mm (W) x 550mm (H) and has a 162 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Clearwater Sontuoso ClearStone 1690 x 700mm Freestanding Bath – N8ECS (125.N8ECS)

    Original price was: £2,605.00.Current price is: £1,953.74.
    The Clearwater Sontuoso ClearStone 1690 x 700mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1690mm (L) x 700mm (W) x 580mm (H) and has a 179 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Clearwater Vicenza Grande ClearStone 1800 x 800mm Freestanding Bath – N7DCS (125.N7DCS)

    Original price was: £2,725.00.Current price is: £2,043.74.
    The Clearwater Vicenza Grande 1800 x 800mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1800mm (L) x 800mm (W) x 570mm (H) and has a 294.5 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Clearwater Formoso Petite ClearStone 1500 x 800mm Freestanding Bath in Gloss White – N1ACS (125.N1ACS)

    Original price was: £2,785.00.Current price is: £2,088.74.
    The Clearwater Formoso Petite ClearStone 1500 x 800mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1500mm (L) x 800mm (W) x 570mm (H) and has a 218 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Clearwater Formoso Grande ClearStone 1690 x 800mm Freestanding Bath in Gloss White – N2ACS (125.N2ACS)

    Original price was: £2,940.00.Current price is: £2,205.00.
    The Clearwater Formoso Grande ClearStone 1690 x 800mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1690mm (L) x 800mm (W) x 570mm (H) and has a 277 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Clearwater Patinato Grande ClearStone 1690 x 800mm Freestanding Bath – N3BCS (125.N3BCS)

    Original price was: £2,940.00.Current price is: £2,205.00.
    The Clearwater Patinato Grande ClearStone 1690 x 800mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. Part of the ClearStone range this bath is made of a sedimentary stone composite with Gibbsite mineral filler. This has allowed Clearwater to craft this bath with delicate rims and softer profiles which will not only give you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak, but will also add a focal point of admiration in your bathroom. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding taps, which are not included, as it cannot be drilled for tap holes. No overflow is provided for this bath, but a template for overflow drilling is attached to the bath for easy installation on site. When using underfloor heating do take care not to put the heating pipes/matt underneath the bath area, as this bath is designed not to sit on a heated floor. This bath also has a gloss finish that is scratch resistant and hardwearing, so in the event of minor scratches or chips, the ClearStone can be repaired. The dimensions of the bath are: 1690mm (L) x 800mm (W) x 550mm (H) and has a 204 litres displaced water capacity (which is the bath’s full capacity less 70 litres). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Clearwater who for over 10 have been hand-crafting a stunning range of luxuriously designed, free-standing baths and coordinated basins. This freestanding bath come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee for domestic installations, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Clearwater range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Mississippi 1500 x 760mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £2,450.00.Current price is: £2,205.00.
    The Royce Morgan Mississippi 1500 x 760mm Freestanding Bath is designed for comfort with a stunning asymmetric oval shape that features a gently arched profile and perfectly conceived curves to create a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a stone bath made from Kalonite™ meaning it is superior in strength to an acrylic bath and has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1500mm (L) x 760mm (W) x 540mm (H) and has a 238 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Orinoco 1500 x 680mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £2,450.00.Current price is: £2,205.00.
    The Royce Morgan Orinoco 1500 x 680mm Freestanding Bath is designed to be a modern work of art that features contemporary and charismatic lines to create a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a stone bath made from Kalonite™ meaning it is superior in strength to an acrylic bath and has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1500mm (L) x 680mm (W) x 560mm (H) and has a 320 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
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