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    HIB Helix Square Magnifying Mirror

    Original price was: £197.00.Current price is: £109.61.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Helix Square Magnifying Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. With its 3x magnification on one side and a plain mirror on reverse this magnifying mirror is perfect for applying make-up or shaving. With its different magnifications this mirror is therefore the best choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. The Helix Square Magnifying Mirror is 17cm in width by 17cm in height with a 24cm maximum extension and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB with a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating of the mirror.
  • Sale!

    HIB Exos 60 LED Illuminated Mirror Cabinet – 53600

    Original price was: £954.24.Current price is: £591.62.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Exos 60 LED Illuminated Mirror Cabinet for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Thanks to its elegant design along with a host of practical features, this cabinets sleek finish with contemporary flourishes will with no doubt add a modern look to your bathroom . This cabinet also has ambient lighting underneath it creating an additional sense of luxury for an atmospheric look and feel. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Exos 60 LED Illuminated Mirror Cabinet features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes energy saving LED illumination, a precision door illumination border, ambient under cabinet lighting, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, double doors with double sided mirrors, a built-in heated pad in the mirrored door to eliminate steam from the surface, a mirrored back panel, mirrored sides, a charging socket (for toothbrushes & shavers etc.), a USB charging port, 6 glass shelves, a removable ?keep clean? mat and is IP44 electrically safe. The Exos 60 LED Illuminated Mirror Cabinet is 60cm in width by 70cm in height by 12.2cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 2 year guarantee for electrical components and 5 years for the silver coating. All HIB mirrors and cabinets are delivered especially and directly to you by an HIB factory driver. This treatment is the reassurance you need when ordering a cabinet as your choice will be transported by a purpose-built van that is ideal for the safe transit of such a delicate item. This not only ensures the condition upon delivery of your cabinet is perfect but in addition direct delivery means you receive your purchase even more quickly. In the unlikely event of a defect with your cabinet a no-quibble replacement or refund policy on this item secures the decision of a great choice.
  • Sale!

    HIB Turbo Cool White LED Illuminated Inline Chrome Extractor Fan

    Original price was: £150.17.Current price is: £93.11.
    When redesigning your bathroom why not add the HIB Turbo Cool White LED Illuminated Inline Chrome Extractor Fan to help complete your bathroom at a great value. Power meets precision with this inline extractor fan. A powerful electric motor effectively removes condensation in medium to large bathrooms to prevent damp, mould and unpleasant odours from forming. It?s quiet too at just 37 decibels it allows you to maintain the relaxing ambience of your space. With its striking simplicity and superb style this fan is the best choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite. The Turbo Cool White LED Illuminated Inline Chrome Extractor Fan features a great design with a host of features. This is an inline fan meaning the fan motor is remotely sited within the loft space and is connected to the fascia and external wall grille by the supplied flexible ducting, it has a 137m3/hr extraction rate, a low noise level of 37dB, cool white LED illumination with replacement lamps available from HIB, an adjustable timer from 2 up to 30 minutes of extraction after turning off the main light and is IPX4 rated. The complete kit includes the fascia, inline fan, 3 metre flexible ducting (10cm diameter), external fixed grille and steel hose clamps. The Turbo Cool White LED Illuminated Inline Chrome Extractor Fan is 14.5cm in diameter by 1.5cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best bathroom products available today with each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. This fan is also available in White with optional warm or cool white LED illumination and is supported by HIB coming with a 2 year guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Eiger Silk Stainless

    Original price was: £247.20.Current price is: £232.37.
    An elegant modern design single hole kitchen sink tap with lever operation handles. Easier to use when you have soapy hands at the kitchen sink! The mixer has a tubular arch (curved swan-neck) swivel spout which gives an excellent flow rate and the spout can be moved out of the way for ease of use when washing up large items. The body and spout of the mixer are made of high quality solid brass and are finished in Frankes Silk Steel finish. The superb mixer has quarter turn ceramic valves which are the latest in tap technology and are supplied with rigid tails for easy connection. Keeping your taps clean is easy just give it a wipe over with a damp cloth - this is all that is needed to keep the mixer sparking clean and looking brand new for years to come. The Eiger Mixer Tap is made to the highest quality standards by Franke one of the leading manufacturers of high quality sink taps and sink mixers.
  • Sale!

    HIB Eris 60 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides

    Original price was: £450.49.Current price is: £279.30.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Eris 60 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. If you are looking for a simplistic style then this cabinet is the answer, with its subtle style it is the perfect fit for understated bathrooms and will provide a flourish of classic beauty. This cabinet also reflects its surroundings with its mirrored sides therefore making it match the style of your bathroom and ensuring a seamless continuity of design. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Eris 60 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes 2 glass shelves and double doors with double sided mirror and soft close hinges. The Eris 60 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides is 60cm in width by 70cm in height by 13cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating of the mirror.
  • Sale!

    HIB Exos 80 LED Illuminated Mirror Cabinet

    Original price was: £1,043.70.Current price is: £647.09.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Exos 80 LED Illuminated Mirror Cabinet for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Thanks to its elegant design along with a host of practical features, this cabinets sleek finish with contemporary flourishes will with no doubt add a modern look to your bathroom . This cabinet also has ambient lighting underneath it creating an additional sense of luxury for an atmospheric look and feel. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Exos 80 LED Illuminated Mirror Cabinet features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes energy saving LED illumination, a precision door illumination border, ambient under cabinet lighting, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, double doors with double sided mirrors, a built-in heated pad in the mirrored door to eliminate steam from the surface, a mirrored back panel, mirrored sides, a charging socket (for toothbrushes & shavers etc.), a USB charging port, 6 glass shelves, a removable ?keep clean? mat and is IP44 electrically safe. The Exos 80 LED Illuminated Mirror Cabinet is 80cm in width by 70cm in height by 12.2cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 2 year guarantee for electrical components and 5 years for the silver coating. All HIB mirrors and cabinets are delivered especially and directly to you by an HIB factory driver. This treatment is the reassurance you need when ordering a cabinet as your choice will be transported by a purpose-built van that is ideal for the safe transit of such a delicate item. This not only ensures the condition upon delivery of your cabinet is perfect but in addition direct delivery means you receive your purchase even more quickly. In the unlikely event of a defect with your cabinet a no-quibble replacement or refund policy on this item secures the decision of a great choice.
  • Sale!

    Carron Delta/Axis/Aspect Showerbath Shower Screen

    Original price was: £376.80.Current price is: £218.54.
    This Carron Shower Screen is made to be specifically used with the Delta and Axis/Aspect Showerbaths. The screen is one piece of clear glass designed with a curve in it to fit and compliment the shape of the Delta and Axis/Aspect Showerbaths, making this screen the ideal solution for completing these baths and turning them into a practical shower enclosure as well. The Delta/Axis/Aspect Showerbath Shower Screen is 1500mm in height by 750m in width and the screen is fitted with 6mm tempered clear glass conforming to all EC safety standards. This is a superbly finished bath screen that not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath screen looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath screen is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and is designed to be used with their baths.
  • Sale!

    HIB Eris 50 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides

    Original price was: £413.22.Current price is: £256.20.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Eris 50 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. If you are looking for a simplistic style then this cabinet is the answer, with its subtle style it is the perfect fit for understated bathrooms and will provide a flourish of classic beauty. This cabinet also reflects its surroundings with its mirrored sides therefore making it match the style of your bathroom and ensuring a seamless continuity of design. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Eris 50 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes 2 glass shelves and a single left hand hinged door with double sided mirror and soft close hinges. The Eris 50 Aluminium Mirror Cabinet with Mirror Sides is 50cm in width by 70cm in height by 13cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating of the mirror.
  • Sale!

    Carron Quantum Front Panel Carronite 1800 x 540mm in White – 23.3321 (Q4-02323)

    Original price was: £243.60.Current price is: £141.29.
    This Carron Quantum Front Panel Carronite 1800 x 540mm in White is manufactured from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This panel also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the panel making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic panel. Designed to be used with Carron 1800 Baths this front panel will add the perfect finishing touch for that new or refurbished bathroom or for invigorating and giving fresh life to that tired old bathroom. The Carron Quantum Front Panel is 1800mm in length by 540mm in height and comes in a beautiful White finish. The Quantum Front Panel is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Quantum Front Panel Carronite 1700 x 540mm in White – 23.3311 (Q4-02319)

    Original price was: £234.00.Current price is: £135.72.
    This Carron Quantum Front Panel Carronite 1700 x 540mm in White is manufactured from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This panel also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the panel making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic panel. Designed to be used with Carron 1700 Baths this front panel will add the perfect finishing touch for that new or refurbished bathroom or for invigorating and giving fresh life to that tired old bathroom. The Carron Quantum Front Panel is 1700mm in length by 540mm in height and comes in a beautiful White finish. The Quantum Front Panel is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Eastbrook Biava Dry Element 1100mm x 600mm All Electric Heated Towel Rail in Chrome

    Original price was: £347.16.Current price is: £203.36.
    The Biava Dry Element All Electric towel rail features a modern style that allows maximum space for keeping your towels warm which means it will suit any bathroom. This rail will also provide you with that luxurious feeling you can get when snuggling into a warm towel after a relaxing bath or an invigorating shower. This towel rail is 1100mm in height by 600mm in width and it comes with an output at Delta T60°C of 500 Watts/1706 BTU. This is an All Electric powered towel rail giving you the ability to use it throughout the year, please note that this product is for electric only installation and cannot be used on a central heating system. Also note that no additional fluid filling is required and it is compatible with the Crafton Temperature Control Plate which is available for purchase in additional products. Please note that this rail is supplied on our website only in the Chrome and Matt Anthracite finish, it is however also available in the white finish. *TO ORDER ANY OF THE OTHER AVAILABLE FINISHES PLEASE CONTACT US AT AS PRICES DO VARY DEPENDING ON THE FINISH.* With all of these features this heated towel rail is not only practical but its exquisite design also means that it will complement any bathroom or shower rooms décor therefore giving you that extra statement whatever the setting. This towel rail is made to the highest standards by Eastbrook one of the leading manufacturers in radiators & heated towel rails who supply these products with a 2 year guarantee with conditions. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Eastbrook range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Eastbrook 300 to 600 Watt Element Type D Vertical Radiator Kit including Thermostat

    Original price was: £187.44.Current price is: £109.81.
    Manufactured by Eastbrook this 300 to 600 Watt towel rail/radiator kit is designed to be used with a wide range of their radiators & heated towel rails to make them into an all-electric or dual-fuelled powered one. This element is designed for both background and full room heat, it is controlled by water temperature and can be rated up to the output of the radiator. Please note this is for vertical pipe installations only. Made to the very highest quality standards this kit is supplied with a T-piece for dual-fuelled installation and is available in many different sizes of input Wattage. Electric only elements will be fitted on the Right Hand side unless otherwise specified. *PLEASE NOTE for an all-electric towel rail/radiator fluid filling must be purchased, this also means that all fluid filled rails are made to special order and are non-returnable.* *Remember by making the towel rail/radiator into an all-electric powered one it is NOT able to be plumbed directly into the hydraulic central heating system.* *WARNING: BHS Home Improvements recommend that all electrical appliances are installed by a qualified electrician.* *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Eastbrook range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    HIB Atrium 50 LED Semi-Recessed Aluminium Mirror Cabinets

    Original price was: £763.61.Current price is: £473.44.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror cabinet such as the HIB Atrium 50 LED Illuminated Semi-Recessed Aluminium Mirror Cabinet for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Perfect for stud wall installations, semi-recessed Atrium provides all the storage of a cabinet, with the sleek exterior of a delicate illuminated mirror. Adjustable shelves, two low level charging docks and a removable keep clean matt tick the boxes for functionality, whilst an elegant exterior and ambient colour temperature change lighting make this a versatile style statement to suit any interior. Features • Colour temperature changing LED illumination • Semi-recessed cabinet • 8cm recessed depth • 2 pin integrated charging socket(s) • USB Charging socket(s) • Double-sided mirrored door • Sensor switch The Atrium 50 LED Semi-Recessed Aluminium Mirror Cabinet is 70cm in height by 50cm in width by 14.5cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirror cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. HIB provide a 2 year guarantee on the electrical components in the mirror cabinet and a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating on the mirror.
  • Sale!

    Roper Rhodes Esta 460mm Ceramic Cloakroom Basin

    Original price was: £206.00.Current price is: £115.37.
    This brilliant compact basin from Roper Rhodes is ideal for a cloakroom. It can also easily be integrated with dedicated furniture in a variety of finishes. Roper Rhodes produce a fantastic range of quality and compact Cloakroom solutions. These great products allow maximum access and space-saving whilst also providing the facilities you need.
  • Sale!

    Roper Rhodes Breathe 600mm Ceramic Basin

    Original price was: £387.00.Current price is: £216.72.
    The Breathe 600mm Ceramic Basin is a stylish wash basin made specifically for the Roper Rhodes 600mm Freestanding or Wall Mounted Units, that will transform any bathroom or en-suite into a focal point. This is an ideal choice for that new or refurbished bathroom or for invigorating and giving fresh life to that tired old bathroom. The Breathe Ceramic Basin with its elegant, traditional stylish tall profile is made to the very highest standards; manufactured from a tough ceramic and finished in sparkling white that not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by simply giving it a wipe over with a clean damp cloth. The Breathe ceramic basin comes with one central tap hole for use with a monobloc mixer tap and is 600mm in width by 70mm in height by 430mm in depth. The Breathe Ceramic basin is made by Roper Rhodes, one of the leading manufacturers of bathroom accessories, to the highest quality standards and Roper Rhodes gives a ten year guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Roper Rhodes Alternative Handle No. 5 (Drawer Top) Chrome for System 600mm Wall Mounted Unit

    Original price was: £33.64.Current price is: £24.37.
    This is the Roper Rhodes alternative handle no. 5 (drawer top) chrome for System 600mm Wall Mounted Unit supplied free when purchasing the Roper Rhodes System range of bathroom units.
  • Sale!

    Carron Status Curved Front Panel 1600 x 725 x 540mm in White – CA02334 (Q4-02334)

    Original price was: £309.60.Current price is: £179.57.
    The Carron Status Curved Front Panel in White is manufactured from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. Designed to be used with the Carron Status 1700 Bath this curved front panel beautifully accentuates the sweeping contours of the Status Bath and will add the perfect finishing touch for that new or refurbished bathroom or for invigorating and giving fresh life to that tired old bathroom. The Status Curved Front Panel is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Quantum Single Ended 1700 x 800 Carronite Bath – 23.5921 (Q4-02150)

    Original price was: £855.60.Current price is: £496.25.
    The Carron Quantum Single Ended 1700 x 800 Carronite Bath is a newly designed single ended bath with straight sides and minimalist lines maximising both bathing and showering space. This Carron Bath is made from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. This bath also comes with the additional benefit of Carron’s patented Carronite material, which adds reinforcement to the bath making it capable of withstanding far greater stresses and the ability to retain heat for approximately 20 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath. A delightful addition this bath will transform any bathroom making it not only a wonderful experience to use but also a focal point for admiration. The Dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm x 800mm x 440mm and has a 267 Litres Water Capacity The Carron Quantum Single Ended Bath comes un-drilled for bath taps so taps can be positioned to suit the shape of the bathroom and your own personal preference; it has also been designed so that it is suitable for showering in. Taps and waste fittings are not included and neither are the front/end panels but a great choice of suitable panels are available in related products. Finally the Carron Quantum Single Ended Bath comes with the option of turning your bath into a luxury spa whirlpool bath with the C-Lenda system by Markon for that extra luxury of added comfort and body relaxation (See options below). This superbly finished in white bath not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a thirty year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Quantum Shower Screen – 58.4000

    Original price was: £330.00.Current price is: £191.40.
    The Carron Quantum Shower Screen is a bath screen designed with two hinged panels so part of the screen can be moved up to a 90° angle helping to reduce water spray from the shower escaping out of the bath. This screen is designed to be used with both regular Baths and Shower Baths, which have a change in shape so the screen can be adjusted to cover this change. The moveable screen is 185mm in width making it ideal for baths with small changes in shape. Designed by Carron Bathrooms to fit and compliment Carron Baths, this is the ideal fitting solution which turns the bath into a practical shower enclosure, making it a delightful addition particularly for the smaller bathroom which cannot include a separate shower enclosure. It has never been easier to create such a clean, fresh look in your bathroom and this modern designed bath screen is an ideal solution for replacing a tired model or for updating to a new scheme. The Carron Quantum Shower Screen is 1400mm in height by 820-840mm plus the 185mm moveable screen in width and the screen is fitted with 6mm tempered clear glass conforming to all EC safety standards. This is a superbly finished bath screen that not only looks good but is also easy to keep clean by just giving it a wipe over with a clean soapy damp cloth; that’s all that is needed to keep this bath screen looking brand new for years to come. This wonderful bath screen is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and is designed to be used with their baths.
  • Sale!

    Carron Quantum Front Panel 1700 x 540mm in White – 23.3261 (Q4-02318)

    Original price was: £172.80.Current price is: £100.22.
    This Carron Quantum Front Panel 1700 x 540mm in White is manufactured from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. Designed to be used with Carron 1700 Baths this front panel will add the perfect finishing touch for that new or refurbished bathroom or for invigorating and giving fresh life to that tired old bathroom. The Carron Quantum Front Panel is 1700mm in length by 540mm in height and comes in a beautiful White finish. The Quantum Front Panel is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron Arc Shower Bath Curved Front Panel 1700 x 540mm in White – 23.3181 (Q4-02332)

    Original price was: £192.00.Current price is: £111.36.
    This Carron Arc Shower Bath Curved Front Panel 1700 x 540mm in White is manufactured from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch. Designed to be used with the Carron Arc 1700 Shower Bath this front panel will add the perfect finishing touch for that new or refurbished bathroom or for invigorating and giving fresh life to that tired old bathroom. The Carron Arc Shower Bath Curved Front Panel is 1700mm in length by 540mm in height and comes in a beautiful White finish. The Arc Front Panel is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Carron 1300 Affinity Monarch/Tranquility Curved Front Panel in White – 23.1841 (Q4-02304)

    Original price was: £243.60.Current price is: £141.29.
    The Carron 1300 Affinity Monarch/Tranquility Curved Front Panel in White is designed to be used with the Carron Monarch/Tranquility 1300 x 1300 Corner Bath. Manufactured from a high grade 5mm acrylic sheet that is very durable and warm to touch, this curved front panel beautifully accentuates the sweeping contours of the Monarch/Tranquility 1300 Corner Bath and will add the perfect finishing touch for that new or refurbished bathroom or for invigorating and giving fresh life to that tired old bathroom. The Carron 1300 Affinity Monarch/Tranquility Curved Front Panel is made to the highest quality standards by Carron Bathrooms a premier brand based in Scotland and comes with a manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • Sale!

    Eastbrook 15mm Angled Thermostatic Radiator Valve & Lockshield Valve in Matt Anthracite

    Original price was: £52.80.Current price is: £30.94.
    Manufactured by Eastbrook these valves are designed to be used with any of their radiators & towel rails. Designed to be easy on the eye and stylish to look at these radiator valves will add the perfect finishing touch to your new radiator & towel rail. Made to the very highest quality standards these valves are completed with a matt anthracite finish which means they will retain their smooth good looks for many years to come and they can also be kept looking brand new by simply giving them a wipe over with a clean damp cloth. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Eastbrook range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Davos J Chrome

    Original price was: £172.80.Current price is: £162.43.
    Franke - Davos ?J? Mixer Tap A elegant modern design single hole kitchen sink tap with has attractive winged flush fit handle design, which are easier to use when you have soapy hands at the kitchen sink. The mixer has a tubular arc swivel spout, which gives an excellent flow rate and the spout can be move out of the way for ease of use when washing up large items. The body and spout of the mixer are made of high quality solid brass, and are finished in a choice of either shining chrome or matt Silk Steel finish. The superb mixer has quarter turn ceramic valves, which are the latest in tap technology, and is supplied with rigid tails for easy connection. Keeping your taps clean is easy just give it a wipe over with a damp cloth is all that is needed to keep the mixer sparking clean and looking brand new for years to come. Manufactured to the highest standards by Franke a leading supplier of high quality sink taps and sink mixers Specification: Valve type: Ceramic Tap height: 400mmFlowrate: 7 (Graded 1-8) Spout reach: 221mmPerlator: N/A Base diameter: 55mmTap cut-out: 35mm
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