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  • Low profile 40mm Shower Tray with clean straight sides and defined edges for a luxurious look. The tray is manufactured from cast Stone Resin with a double Acrylic surface layer. .Strong Stone Resin core with double layer Acrylic cap .Central high-flow waste with Chrome flange and Stainless Steel grill available in a choice of special metallic finishes .Shower Tray available in White, Matt White, Matt Graphite and Pergamon* .Matki 10-year guarantee .Matt White and Matt Graphite are certified DIN51097 A Anti Slip Optional raised tray adds 100mm to height *CL1210 and CL1890 not available in Matt White, Matt Graphite or Pergamon
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    The Matki-ONE Quintesse expresses absolute elegance. The perfect solution for a luxurious space saving Shower Enclosure, affording depths of style to the showering space with characterful design details. Stunning in Architectural Bronze, the circular disc details and framing are customisable with an array of attractive colour and metallic finishes. For a more generous proportion an offset corner is available. .8mm solid Safety Glass (EN12150-1) .High-lustre Aluminium profiles with a Stainless Steel top track .Silver/Chrome finish as Standard .For installation on Shower Tray or Wet Room Floor .Door Pivot Points are interchangeable to enable opening from left and right side .Tested beyond CE requirements .Matki 10-year Guarantee .Matki Glass Guard Easy Clean Protection included .Colour Sets available in Architectural, Black, White, Silver and Copper .Colour Sets include Vertical frames in a choice of Silver, White, Black or Architectural Bronze; with Horizontal frames supplied in Stainless Steel and Aluminium .Disc Details available in Chrome, Brass, Copper, Black, White, Red, Blue and Green Upon ordering please request Left Hand or Right Hand.
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    A low profile Shower Tray made of stone resin with a extremely durable double acrylic cap. The stylish linear waste is available in white or a choice of finishes to match your bathroom’s brassware. .Low profile 40mm, 10mm raised threshold .Stone resin, double acrylic cap .Linear waste cover in choice of finishes .Raised Tray Option adds 100mm to height .Available in White (standard), Matt White, Matt Graphite, Pergamon .Available without waste drilled, allowing choice of waste position or 2 wastes to drain up to 50L/min with brass slotted cover. Add 'W' to end of code for undrilled, and 'WF' with additional waste (surcharge £102), eg CLL900WFCP *Living Brass, Brushed Brass, Aged Brass and Living Copper are living finishes and will change over time, please see Care & Maintenance for more details. Matt White and Matt Graphite are DIN51097 A Anti Slip Please note, Waste Covers in Standard White only and metal finishes; not available in Matt White, Matt Graphite or Pergamon
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    Low profile 40mm Shower Tray with clean straight sides in the Curved shape, perfect for installation with the EauZone Plus or Matki-ONE Curved Enclosures. The tray is manufactured with a strong cast Stone Resin core and a double layer Acrylic surface capping. .Secure 10mm raised threshold .Corner waste with Chrome flange and Stainless Steel grill available in a choice of special metallic finishes .Trays available in White, Matt White, Matt Graphite and Pergamon .Matki 10-year guarantee .Optional raised tray adds 100mm to height .Waste is located in RH corner for all LH models, all other models have waste outlet in LH corner.
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    Low profile 40mm Shower Tray with clean straight sides in the pentagonal Quintesse shape, perfect for installation with the EauZone Plus and Matki-ONE Quintesse Shower Enclosures. The tray is manufactured with a cast Stone Resin core with double layer Acrylic surface capping. .40mm Low Profile Shower Tray .Corner high-flow waste with Chrome flange and Stainless Steel grill available in a choice of special metallic finishes .Tray available in White, Matt White, Matt Graphite and Pergamon .Matki 10-year guarantee Optional raised tray adds 100mm to height
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    The Matki-ONE Panel and Side Panel comprises two straight panels connected by minimal tubular Brace Bars, creating a luxurious showering space with an open feel. .8mm solid Safety Glass (EN12150-1) .High-lustre Aluminium wall mounts .1000mm T-Bar forming Walk-In opening, maximum 900mm .For installation on Shower Tray or Wet Room Floor .Tested beyond CE requirements .Matki 10-year Guarantee .Matki Glass Guard Easy Clean Protection .Framed Effect glass priced on application .Silver Frame with Chrome Disc details as Standard
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    The Matki-ONE Panel and Side Panel comprises two straight panels connected by minimal tubular Brace Bars, creating a luxurious showering space with an open feel. .8mm solid Safety Glass (EN12150-1) .High-lustre Aluminium wall mounts .1000mm T-Bar forming Walk-In opening, maximum 900mm .For installation on Shower Tray or Wet Room Floor .Tested beyond CE requirements .Matki 10-year Guarantee .Matki Glass Guard Easy Clean Protection .Effect glass priced on application .Silver Frame with Chrome Disc details as Standard
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    The Matki-ONE Panel and Side Panel comprises two straight panels connected by minimal tubular Brace Bars, creating a luxurious showering space with an open feel. .8mm solid Safety Glass (EN12150-1) .High-lustre Aluminium wall mounts .1000mm T-Bar forming Walk-In opening, maximum 900mm .For installation on Shower Tray or Wet Room Floor .Tested beyond CE requirements .Matki 10-year Guarantee .Matki Glass Guard Easy Clean Protection .Framed Effect glass priced on application .Silver Frame with Chrome Disc details as Standard
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    Original price was: £643.20.Current price is: £424.51.
    An 8mm hinged Bath Screen with two panels and an integrated drip channel to keep the bathroom floor dry when opened. There is also a neat, integrated soap dish for convenient storage. .8mm solid Safety Glass (EN12150-1) .High-lustre Anodised Aluminium wall mount .Chrome finish .Swings outwards through 90° from fixed panel for ease of access .Designed for flat top baths .Drip Channel minimises drips when opening screen .Tested beyond CE requirements .Matki 10-year guarantee .Matki Glass Guard Easy Clean Protection included.
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    Original price was: £706.80.Current price is: £466.49.
    A clever two panel, 6mm Bath Screen which folds away for functional and flexible use, inside or outside the bath. .6mm solid Safety Glass (EN12150-1) .High-lustre Aluminium wall mount .Chrome finish .Compact fold away design .Screen folds away inside or outside of bath .Designed for flat top baths .Tested beyond CE requirements .Matki 10-year guarantee .Matki Glass Guard Easy Clean Protection included
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    A single, elegant 10mm Bath Screen which opens outwards and inwards and can be stored away against the wall when not in use. Sheer practicality with contemporary good looks. .10mm solid Safety Glass (EN12150-1) .High-lustre Anodised Aluminium wall mount .Chrome finish .Matki Advanced Neoprene Sealing System .Screen opens outwards and inwards through 180° .Designed for flat top Baths .Tested beyond CE requirements .Matki 10-year guarantee .Matki Glass Guard Easy Clean Protection included
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    Original price was: £1,009.20.Current price is: £666.07.
    The minimal, tubular ceiling mount is customisable with a range of contemporary metallic finishes; making a stylish statement. The panel can be installed on a Shower Tray or a Wet Room Floor.
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