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    50mm Water Seal Trapped Gully For Tiled Floor

    Original price was: £87.44.Current price is: £56.84.
    50mm Water Seal Trapped Gully: 150mm Square Polished Stainless Steel Tile with removable Grid and Securing Screws: 2 inch BS EN 1329-1:2000 Solvent Weld Horizontal Outlet and 2 inch x 1? inch Socket Reduce. McAlpine Gullies are ideal for domestic wet rooms, Lifetime Homes, disabled adaptations, student accommodation, bathroom pods, hotels, hospitals and sport and leisure facilities. If you require a wetroom tray and waterproofing membrane, please use the Value Packages tool to select appropriate additional products.
  • Sale!

    50mm Water Seal Trapped Gully For Vinyl Floor

    Original price was: £87.44.Current price is: £56.84.
    50mm Water Seal Trapped Gully: Polished Stainless Steel Clamp Ring and Cover Plate with Securing Screws: 2 inch BS EN 1329-1:2000 Solvent Weld Horizontal Outlet and 2 inch x 1? inch Socket Reducer. McAlpine Gullies are ideal for domestic wet rooms, Lifetime Homes, disabled adaptations, student accommodation, bathroom pods, hotels, hospitals and sport and leisure facilities. If you require a wetroom tray and waterproofing membrane, please use the Value Packages tool to select appropriate additional products.
  • Sale!

    750 Bath 1700mm x 750mm Right Handed in White

    Original price was: £1,178.40.Current price is: £683.47.
    Note: Left-handed version pictured. Actual product format is reversed from that shown. Celsius by Carron - 750 Bath Right Handed in White 57.0041R A market redefining bath promoting the best technologies. This bath will become the centrepiece of your bathroom. Made from Carrons super-strong patented Carronite material this bath is supported with an amazing 30 year guarantee. Expresses sharp crisp lines and a cutting edge optional overflow/filler addition (see related products below). Please note that panels are not included but may be added. See diagram for dimensions White finish Right handed version (recline on right) Requires basic specialised overflow/clicker waste for operation (see related products below) Carronite material 30 year guarantee
  • Sale!

    April 1.5” Ultra Shallow P Trap Exposed

    Original price was: £72.02.Current price is: £72.01.
    The April 1.5” Ultra Shallow P Trap Exposed is a superbly designed plumbing trap and is a simple and effective option for when installing your desired bathing arrangement. With a Chrome plated finish this P Trap is designed to be used with the April freestanding baths and is fitted to the waste tail underneath the bath. This P Trap is made to the highest quality standards by April Products one of the UK’s top brands for shower enclosures, trays and baths. This freestanding baths come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the April range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    April Anston 1750 x 750mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,743.00.Current price is: £1,132.94.
    The April Anston 1750 x 750mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath with an elegant design that with no doubt will add a sophisticated look to any contemporary bathroom. This is a double skinned acrylic bath meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1750mm (L) x 750mm (W) x 580mm (H). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by April Products one of the UK’s top brands for shower enclosures, trays and baths. This freestanding baths come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the April range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    April Boston 1700 x 750mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,743.00.Current price is: £1,132.94.
    The April Boston 1700 x 750mm Freestanding Bath is a luxurious bath with a stunningly beautiful design that with no doubt will add a sophisticated look to any contemporary bathroom. This is a double skinned acrylic bath meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm (L) x 750mm (W) x 580mm (H). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by April Products one of the UK’s top brands for shower enclosures, trays and baths. This freestanding baths come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the April range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    April Brearton 1500 x 700mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,570.00.Current price is: £1,020.49.
    The April Brearton 1500 x 700mm Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a double skinned acrylic bath meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow. With its thin rim and sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1500mm (L) x 700mm (W) x 570mm (H). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by April Products one of the UK’s top brands for shower enclosures, trays and baths. This freestanding baths come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the April range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    April Cayton 1500 x 700mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,570.00.Current price is: £1,020.49.
    The April Cayton 1500 x 700mm Freestanding Bath is a stylish oval shaped bath that is perfect for relaxing and with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a double skinned acrylic bath meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow. With its thin rim and sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1500mm (L) x 700mm (W) x 580mm (H). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by April Products one of the UK’s top brands for shower enclosures, trays and baths. This freestanding baths come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the April range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    April Cayton 1790 x 830mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,743.00.Current price is: £1,132.94.
    The April Cayton 1790 x 830mm Freestanding Bath is a stylish oval shaped bath that is perfect for relaxing and with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a double skinned acrylic bath meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow. With its thin rim and sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1790mm (L) x 830mm (W) x 550mm (H). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by April Products one of the UK’s top brands for shower enclosures, trays and baths. This freestanding baths come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the April range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    April Danby 1730 x 825mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £2,231.00.Current price is: £1,450.15.
    The April Danby 1730 x 825mm Freestanding Bath is an elegantly teardrop shaped luxurious bath that will give you a sophisticated bathe and with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a double skinned acrylic bath meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow. With its thin rim and sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1730mm (L) x 825mm (W) x 580mm (H). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by April Products one of the UK’s top brands for shower enclosures, trays and baths. This freestanding baths come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the April range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    April Eppleby 1700 x 740mm Back to Wall Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,743.00.Current price is: £1,132.94.
    The April Eppleby 1700 x 740mm Back to Wall Freestanding Bath is a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath with a unique and modern back to wall design that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a double skinned acrylic bath meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This bath is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1700mm (L) x 740mm (W) x 585mm (H). This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by April Products one of the UK’s top brands for shower enclosures, trays and baths. This freestanding baths come with a 10 year manufacturer’s guarantee, which covers all manufacturing defects but does not cover damage during fitting or misuse and applies only to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the April range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
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