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  • Sale!

    HIB Solstice 60 Cool White LED Mirror

    Original price was: £419.60.Current price is: £260.16.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Solstice Cool White LED Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. For a designer look that works in a classic or contemporary setting, consider Solstice. This statement mirror is surrounded by an industrial matt black frame and has a feature hanging strap. The bold style is complemented by a halo of ambient backlight and a ring of colour temperature changing LED lighting, which offers customisable frontal illumination. Internal heated pads keep the glass clear and free from condensation, for a flawless and functional bathroom centrepiece. Features ? Colour temperature changing LED illumination ? Wall-mounted mirror with black decorative strap and wall fitting support ? Heated pad ? Touch switch The Solstice Cool White LED Mirror is 60cm in height by 60cm in width by 5cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. HIB provide a 2 year guarantee on the electrical components in the mirror cabinet and a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating on the mirror.
  • Sale!

    HIB Solas 60 Chrome LED Illuminated Mirror

    Original price was: £546.35.Current price is: £338.74.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Solas 60 Chrome LED Illuminated Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Created with a circle of LED light, that is offset from the surface of the mirror, which will with no doubt provide you with the optimum illumination for your face therefore giving you the perfect hue for precision tasks. This mirror helps in creating a personalised bathroom ambience and therefore making it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Solas 60 Chrome LED Illuminated Mirror features a great design with a host of features. This mirror includes a chrome frame with mirrored sides, colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, a built-in heated demister pad to eliminate steam from the surface, the ability to be hung either landscape or portrait and is IP44 electrically safe. The Solas 60 Chrome LED Illuminated Mirror is 80cm in height by 60cm in width by 7.8cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB with a 2 year guarantee on the electrical components in the mirror and a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating on the mirror. All HIB mirrors are delivered especially and directly to you by an HIB factory driver. This treatment is the reassurance you need when ordering a mirror as your choice will be transported by a purpose-built van that is ideal for the safe transit of such a delicate item. This not only ensures the condition upon delivery of your mirror is perfect but in addition direct delivery means you receive your purchase even more quickly. In the unlikely event of a defect with your mirror a no-quibble replacement or refund policy on this item secures the decision of a great choice.
  • Sale!

    HIB Solas 60 Black LED Illuminated Mirror

    Original price was: £572.96.Current price is: £355.24.
    When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Solas 60 Black LED Illuminated Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Created with a circle of LED light, that is offset from the surface of the mirror, which will with no doubt provide you with the optimum illumination for your face therefore giving you the perfect hue for precision tasks. This mirror helps in creating a personalised bathroom ambience and therefore making it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Solas 60 Black LED Illuminated Mirror features a great design with a host of features. This mirror includes a matt black frame for a statement style, colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, a built-in heated demister pad to eliminate steam from the surface, the ability to be hung either landscape or portrait and is IP44 electrically safe. The Solas 60 Black LED Illuminated Mirror is 80cm in height by 60cm in width by 7.8cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB with a 2 year guarantee on the electrical components in the mirror and a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating on the mirror. All HIB mirrors are delivered especially and directly to you by an HIB factory driver. This treatment is the reassurance you need when ordering a mirror as your choice will be transported by a purpose-built van that is ideal for the safe transit of such a delicate item. This not only ensures the condition upon delivery of your mirror is perfect but in addition direct delivery means you receive your purchase even more quickly. In the unlikely event of a defect with your mirror a no-quibble replacement or refund policy on this item secures the decision of a great choice.
  • When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Solas 50 Chrome LED Illuminated Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Created with a circle of LED light, that is offset from the surface of the mirror, which will with no doubt provide you with the optimum illumination for your face therefore giving you the perfect hue for precision tasks. This mirror helps in creating a personalised bathroom ambience and therefore making it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Solas 50 Chrome LED Illuminated Mirror features a great design with a host of features. This mirror includes a chrome frame with mirrored sides, colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, a built-in heated demister pad to eliminate steam from the surface, the ability to be hung either landscape or portrait and is IP44 electrically safe. The Solas 50 Chrome LED Illuminated Mirror is 70cm in height by 50cm in width by 7.8cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB with a 2 year guarantee on the electrical components in the mirror and a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating on the mirror. All HIB mirrors are delivered especially and directly to you by an HIB factory driver. This treatment is the reassurance you need when ordering a mirror as your choice will be transported by a purpose-built van that is ideal for the safe transit of such a delicate item. This not only ensures the condition upon delivery of your mirror is perfect but in addition direct delivery means you receive your purchase even more quickly. In the unlikely event of a defect with your mirror a no-quibble replacement or refund policy on this item secures the decision of a great choice.
  • When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Solas 50 Black LED Illuminated Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Created with a circle of LED light, that is offset from the surface of the mirror, which will with no doubt provide you with the optimum illumination for your face therefore giving you the perfect hue for precision tasks. This mirror helps in creating a personalised bathroom ambience and therefore making it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Solas 50 Black LED Illuminated Mirror features a great design with a host of features. This mirror includes a matt black frame for a statement style, colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, a built-in heated demister pad to eliminate steam from the surface, the ability to be hung either landscape or portrait and is IP44 electrically safe. The Solas 50 Black LED Illuminated Mirror is 70cm in height by 50cm in width by 7.8cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB with a 2 year guarantee on the electrical components in the mirror and a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating on the mirror. All HIB mirrors are delivered especially and directly to you by an HIB factory driver. This treatment is the reassurance you need when ordering a mirror as your choice will be transported by a purpose-built van that is ideal for the safe transit of such a delicate item. This not only ensures the condition upon delivery of your mirror is perfect but in addition direct delivery means you receive your purchase even more quickly. In the unlikely event of a defect with your mirror a no-quibble replacement or refund policy on this item secures the decision of a great choice.
  • When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive mirror such as the HIB Rondo Circular Bathroom Mirror for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. Created to bring spa-like luxury into your own home this soft curve mirror is designed to bring a feeling of restful relaxation and transform your bathroom into a profoundly peaceful space. Also why not add the easily fitted optional D1 Demista pad to help remove steam off your bathroom mirror, therefore bringing an effective solution to an everyday problem. The mirror is the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. The Rondo Circular Bathroom Mirror is 50cm in width/height (diameter) and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB with a 5 year guarantee on the silver coating of the mirror.
  • When redesigning your bathroom why not add HIB Rise Bathroom Pendant Light to help complete your bathroom at a great value. This light will fill your bathroom with radiance and its versatile design means that it can be placed anywhere in your bathroom, therefore making it the best choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite. The Rise Bathroom Pendant Light features a great design with a host of features. This light includes cool white energy saving LED illumination, a hand blown glass shade, an adjustable 1m cable and is IP44 rated. With its circular design the Rise Bathroom Pendant Light is 12cm in width by 126.8cm maximum in length. This is made by HIB who supply some of the best bathroom products available today with each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. This light is also supported by HIB coming with a 2 year guarantee. All HIB products are delivered especially and directly to you by an HIB factory driver. This treatment is the reassurance you need when ordering an item as your choice will be transported by a purpose-built van that is ideal for the safe transit of such delicate goods. This not only ensures the condition upon delivery of your product is perfect but in addition direct delivery means you receive your purchase even more quickly. In the unlikely event of a defect with your product a no-quibble replacement or refund policy on this item secures the decision of a great choice.
  • When redesigning your bathroom why not add HIB Rhythm Bathroom Ceiling Light to help complete your bathroom with style. This ceiling light features a Bluetooth speaker which will allow you to play your favourite music or audiobooks straight from your device. This light also features changeable and dimmable LED lighting from cool white to warm white and through a spectrum of blue, green and red hues it will allow you to personalise your bathroom experience. With its striking simplicity and superb style this light is the best choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite. The Rhythm Bathroom Ceiling Light features a great design with a host of features. This light includes colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a remote control operation for lighting and music, Bluetooth connectivity with compatible devices, a hand blown glass shade, a 6w speaker, dimmable lighting with 12 RGC colour options and is IP44 rated. With its circular design the Rhythm Bathroom Ceiling Light is 18cm in diameter by 23cm in height. This is made by HIB who supply some of the best bathroom products available today with each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. This light is also supported by HIB coming with a 2 year guarantee. All HIB products are delivered especially and directly to you by an HIB factory driver. This treatment is the reassurance you need when ordering an item as your choice will be transported by a purpose-built van that is ideal for the safe transit of such delicate goods. This not only ensures the condition upon delivery of your product is perfect but in addition direct delivery means you receive your purchase even more quickly. In the unlikely event of a defect with your product a no-quibble replacement or refund policy on this item secures the decision of a great choice.
  • When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Qubic 80 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. This cabinet features a contemporary mirrored exterior that reflects the surrounding wall to effortlessly enhance the d?cor of your bathroom, also the vertical illumination to the sides embellish the double sided mirror doors to create an ambience and striking visuals. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Qubic 80 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, double doors with double sided mirror and soft close hinges, a charging socket (for toothbrushes & shavers etc.), 3 glass shelves and is IP44 electrically safe. The Qubic 80 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet is 80cm in width by 70cm in height by 13cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 2 year guarantee for electrical components and 5 years for the silver coating.
  • When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Qubic 60 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. This cabinet features a contemporary mirrored exterior that reflects the surrounding wall to effortlessly enhance the d?cor of your bathroom, also the vertical illumination to the sides embellish the double sided mirror doors to create an ambience and striking visuals. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Qubic 60 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, double doors with double sided mirror and soft close hinges, a charging socket (for toothbrushes & shavers etc.), 3 glass shelves and is IP44 electrically safe. The Qubic 60 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet is 60cm in width by 70cm in height by 13cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 2 year guarantee for electrical components and 5 years for the silver coating.
  • When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Qubic 50 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. This cabinet features a contemporary mirrored exterior that reflects the surrounding wall to effortlessly enhance the d?cor of your bathroom, also the vertical illumination to the sides embellish the double sided mirror doors to create an ambience and striking visuals. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Qubic 50 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, a single left hand hinged door with double sided mirror and soft close hinges, a charging socket (for toothbrushes & shavers etc.), 2 glass shelves and is IP44 electrically safe. The Qubic 50 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet is 50cm in width by 70cm in height by 13cm in depth and is made by HIB who supply some of the best luxury mirrors and cabinets available today each being manufactured to a degree of quality finish rendering it close to a work of art. Fittings are included to streamline the wall mounting process. Supported by HIB the cabinet comes with a 2 year guarantee for electrical components and 5 years for the silver coating.
  • When redesigning your bathroom incorporate a practical and attractive cabinet such as the HIB Qubic 120 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet for a perfect balance of form and function at great value. This cabinet features a contemporary mirrored exterior that reflects the surrounding wall to effortlessly enhance the d?cor of your bathroom, also the vertical illumination to the sides embellish the double sided mirror doors to create an ambience and striking visuals. This cabinet has been made to take your breath away and in doing so makes it the perfect choice in adding that finishing touch to your bathroom or en-suite by complementing and enhancing your d?cor. With its amazing aesthetic the Qubic 120 LED Aluminium Mirror Cabinet features a great design with a host of features. This cabinet includes colour temperature changing & energy saving LED illumination, a sensor switch which turns the lighting on & off simply by waving your hand, triple doors with double sided mirror and soft close hinges, a charging socket (for toothbrushes & shavers etc.), 9 glass shelves and is IP44 electrically safe.
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