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    Royce Morgan Onyx 1695 x 730mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,695.00.Current price is: £1,525.50.
    The Royce Morgan Onyx 1695 x 730mm Freestanding Bath is elegantly styled with subtle flowing lines and a softly curved profile which provides the aesthetics for a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from Arcline™ acrylic which makes it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1695mm (L) x 730mm (W) x 600mm (H) and has a 180 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Opal 1790 x 810mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,795.00.Current price is: £1,615.50.
    The Royce Morgan Opal 1790 x 810mm Freestanding Bath demonstrates an effortless style and flawless design with its clean elegance and simplicity characteristics to create a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from Arcline™ acrylic which makes it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1790mm (L) x 810mm (W) x 620mm (H) and has a 200 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Orinoco 1500 x 680mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £2,450.00.Current price is: £2,205.00.
    The Royce Morgan Orinoco 1500 x 680mm Freestanding Bath is designed to be a modern work of art that features contemporary and charismatic lines to create a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a stone bath made from Kalonite™ meaning it is superior in strength to an acrylic bath and has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1500mm (L) x 680mm (W) x 560mm (H) and has a 320 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Over Edge Chrome Pipe Shrouds

    Original price was: £275.00.Current price is: £247.50.
    This is the Royce Morgan Over Edge Chrome Pipe Shrouds supplied free when purchasing certain Royce Morgan baths. This product is not available for individual purchase. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Over Edge Chrome Pipe Shrouds with Shower Holder

    Original price was: £395.00.Current price is: £355.50.
    This is the Royce Morgan Over Edge Chrome Pipe Shrouds with Shower Holder supplied free when purchasing certain Royce Morgan baths. This product is not available for individual purchase. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Quartz 1760 x 680mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,695.00.Current price is: £1,525.50.
    The Royce Morgan Quartz 1760 x 680mm Freestanding Bath is designed to feature softly symmetrical contoured lines which successfully blend timeless tradition with contemporary elegance, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from Arcline™ acrylic which makes it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1760mm (L) x 680mm (W) x 670mm (H) and has a 170 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Ruby 1580 x 740mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,749.00.Current price is: £1,574.10.
    The Royce Morgan Ruby 1580 x 740mm Freestanding Bath is created with a refined and stylish design concept that features cool, sleek lines that are shaped for effect and comfort, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from Arcline™ acrylic which makes it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1580mm (L) x 740mm (W) x 560mm (H) and has a 228 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Sapphire 1650 x 735mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,695.00.Current price is: £1,610.24.
    The Royce Morgan Sapphire 1650 x 735mm Freestanding Bath is designed with streamlined curves and contours to bring a classical finish, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from Arcline™ acrylic which makes it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1650mm (L) x 735mm (W) x 610mm (H) and has a 180 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Seaton 1680 x 770mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,395.00.Current price is: £1,255.50.
    The Royce Morgan Seaton 1680 x 770mm Freestanding Bath is designed to cross the boundary defying definition between cutting edge futuristic and the elegance of a bygone era, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from using two 5mm acrylic sheets that make it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This freestanding bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with waste and overflow where the options to choose from are in the Value Package section. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1680mm (L) x 770mm (W) x 600mm (H) and has a 193 litres to overflow capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Slotted Push Button Waste

    Original price was: £150.00.Current price is: £135.00.
    This is the Royce Morgan Slotted Push Button Waste supplied free when purchasing certain Royce Morgan baths. This product is not available for individual purchase. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Sunstone 1590 x 670mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £1,749.00.Current price is: £1,574.10.
    The Royce Morgan Sunstone 1590 x 670mm Freestanding Bath has all the enticing appeal of a traditional slipper bath that comes with a refreshing and original style to give you the ultimate in sensory indulgence, therefore making it a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This bath is made from Arcline™ acrylic which makes it double skinned, meaning it has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1590mm (L) x 670mm (W) x 800mm (H) and has a 216 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
  • Sale!

    Royce Morgan Tigris 1580 x 700mm Freestanding Bath

    Original price was: £2,599.00.Current price is: £2,339.10.
    The Royce Morgan Tigris 1580 x 700mm Freestanding Bath is designed with a gentle touch that features a modern styling and understated elegance to create a stunningly beautiful luxurious bath that with no doubt will add the wow factor to any contemporary bathroom. This is a stone bath made from Kalonite™ meaning it is superior in strength to an acrylic bath and has the ability to retain heat for a longer period than in a standard bath, therefore giving you a longer and more enjoyable well deserved relaxing soak. This double ended bath with thin edges is designed to be used with freestanding or wall mounted taps, which are not included, and comes complete with an integrated waste and overflow. With its sleek design this bath will transform your bathroom by not only making it a wonderful experience to use but will also add a focal point for admiration. The dimensions of the bath are: 1580mm (L) x 700mm (W) x 660mm (H) and has a 320 litres bath volume capacity. This wonderful bath is made to the highest quality standards by Royce Morgan who is now one of the market leaders in the manufacture and supply of traditional, contemporary and modern thin edged acrylic freestanding baths. This freestanding bath comes with a life time manufacturer’s guarantee with terms & conditions applying. *PLEASE NOTE we do sell all of the products in the Royce Morgan range, so for any of their products that do not appear on our website please feel free to contact us at and we will help you with any of your queries.*
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